Sunday, September 26, 2010


It's finally fall!! My favorite time of year, for sure. Between the cooler temperatures, the comfy hoodies, the gorgeous changing leaves and the pumpkin spice lattes -- I love it all. I have to say, I am most happiest around September to the middle of November. Even though the worst season of all comes after Autumn, it doesn't matter.

Things have been busy around here between my new job (and new hours) and getting things squared off with the wedding. We are 12 days out, which is a little crazy. I cannot believe how fast the past 11 months have gone! It really feels like I just got engaged. For the most part, all of the bigger stuff is good to go. Now, its just a matter of making sure a few other...minor things go according to plan. But at this point, I'm putting my faith in God's hand. I've never been a super religious person, but I can honestly say that I have been doing a lot of praying lately. Mostly for things that are really out of my control, but nevertheless, it has helped me a little by just bringing me peace of mind.

Other than that, things with me have been great. I've slowly started decorating the house. I wasn't going to do any decorating until after I moved in, however, I was getting the itch. Plus, Ryan's family will be here for the wedding, and I know he really wants to impress them with the house. I really like making a house a home! There is still plenty more that needs done, but its a start! I will post pictures once it gets there :)

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