Friday, September 16, 2011

we have a healthy heart!

Yesterday was my fetal echo-cardiogram. I went alone this time, because Ryan had class and we weren't sure I'd be done in time before he had to leave. Since he took off most of his classes for the day for our 18 week ultrasound, I told him not to worry about it.

When I arrived, I was nervous. I told myself I wouldn't worry -- and for the most part, I didn't. But the DAY OF..nerves were a little high. I was a little relieved when the tech told me that she would take some pictures first, then the fetal cardiologist would come in and take a few more, and then give me the results. Here, I thought I'd have to wait three more weeks until my next check-up to find out any news!

The test itself was kinda boring. I didn't even get a screen to look at. Plus, the tech was SO QUIET. She literally said two words once she started scanning my belly with the doppler. I know she was concentrating on getting all of the right shots of baby's heart, but the silence was a little awkward. And, I've never had a silent ultrasound tech before. They've always assured me as they go along, that things were looking good. So, I was starting to assume that maybe she saw something, and didn't want to say anything -- and of course, I was afraid to ask! Luckily, the doctor came in shortly after that. He looked through all of the shots the tech had taken, and seemed satisfied enough not to take any himself. The good news is, he said everything looked BEAUTIFUL and there was absolutely no need to worry!! This was such a HUGE relief. Now, we can concentrate on getting everything ready for the arrival of our little girl. I just realized that on monday, I'll be 20 weeks. This means I am halfway done with this pregnancy. What?? Where has the time gone?!

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